
Media Participation

Do your part in making positive connections in the community. Share stories of National Faith & Blue Weekend!

Find a Different Kind of Story

Help Build the Bridge to become a more engaged community

While the news is often of stories of division, crime, polarization, and more, the reality is very different. Faith & Blue showcases thousands of stories of hundreds of thousands of people doing work that not only is feel-good but demonstrated to create safer and more inclusive communities. Reach out to our media team to help cover this important story.

Cover an Event

We can put you in touch with local event organizers. Both those who held events in the past and those who are working on upcoming events.

Find an Event

Contact our Media Department

Let us help you cover this important story!

You can learn more, connect with a spokesperson, and be directed to local events by contacting our Media Team at media@faithandblue.org.

Click here to receive updates for National Faith & Blue Weekend 2024 (Friday, October 11 - Monday, October 14).