Faith & Blue was launched to facilitate safer, stronger, more just and unified communities by directly enabling local partnerships among law enforcement professionals, residents, businesses and community groups through the connections of local faith-based organizations.
The initiative aims to re-calibrate police-community relations through solutions-focused, in-person, socially distanced and/or virtual activities that are organized jointly by faith-based or other community groups and law enforcement agencies.
At the heart of this initiative is the reinforcement of connections between law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve through the reach of houses of worship. There is no resource that can match the depth of the faith community in facilitating productive engagement with law enforcement, which is needed now more than ever. These connections are built through activities that are held in neighborhoods of every kind across the United States, jointly hosted by houses of worship and local law enforcement entities.
The National Faith & Blue Weekend organizers represent every major national law enforcement membership and professional organization in the United States and every faith tradition. The effort is convened by MovementForward, Inc. and is sponsored by the Motorola Solutions Foundation.
Communities are stronger and safer when residents and law enforcement professionals can relate as ordinary people with shared values, hopes, and dreams. The partners who are a part of National Faith & Blue Weekend believe we can find ways to work together around our many commonalities instead of being divided by our differences.
National Faith & Blue Weekend is an extension of the One Congregation One Precinct initiative (OneCOP), a program of MovementForward, Inc., which is a bridge-building, solutions-focused human and civil rights organization based in Atlanta, Georgia. The OneCOP initiative pairs together officers at the beat or precinct level with local faith-based organizations.
Whether you've just heard about Faith & Blue or you're planning to host an event during National Faith & Blue Weekend, the time for involvement starts now.
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